OH2 isn't really close to where we live, but after two years in the program, I know it's worth the drive to have this excellent instruction and support.
My kids' confidence and test scores have both gone way up. We would travel to the moon for this!
Andrea -parent- Commerce Twp, MI
Questions and Answers
Q: How is your program funded?
A: We are a private, tuition based, program specifically developed to support families in their individual education journeys.
Q: Is there an online portion students have to do for their classes?
A: There is NO online portion required in our program. All classes may be done off-line through quality books and materials provided. However, quality online resources are also available-- including remote student/guardian access to class activities, materials, grades and full transcripts at any time online.
Q: Do students have to take standardized state tests?
A: We will not be offering standrdized testing to our students. We will, however, assist students and families in preparing for and taking standardized college entrance exams (ACT/SAT). We will help you learn how and where to schedule these tests if interested.
Q: Are there any costs or fees that students will be responsible for?
A: Yes. Aside from tuition, there is a $50 registration fee for each student (to cover administrative registration costs), and a $20 per book refundable deposit. (There is NO COST or OBLIGATION to fill out the initial registration.)
Other costs may include:
* Personal supplies as desired: Pencils/pens, notebooks, calculator, math compass/protractor, etc. (We do provide all of these for on site work, if needed.)
* End of year yearbook
* Individual school photos
* Optional: chrome book or computer for writing papers and/or keeping organized.
Q: What electives are available for my students?
A: Onsite electives for the coming school year will be an visual arts class, and a class on preparing for independence/adulthood.
Q: What would a typical week look like?
A: Students can work on or offsite from Monday to Thursday each week between 10am and 3:30pm. Student times onsite are flexible. Fridays are reserved to spend in any way you like, ie: field trips, or other homeschool groups, getting ahead on work, catching up, etc.
Q: Will my student get to graduate?
A: Yes! If they have met the requirements they will attend a graduation ceremony and receive a high school diploma. The work they choose to do (determined in an intake meeting during final registration) they will graduate with a certification of completion, a home-school-type diploma, or a Michigan Merit Diploma like any other public school student.
Q: What about extra-curricular activities like dances, field days, and/or field trips?
A: Of Course! We have several activities/dances we have traditionally included in our learning year, and are happy to take any suggestions for any and all additional student activities. We may even join with other hybrid schools or home-school groups to make a nice big group, if we wish.